You might think that getting all your emails, photos, and digital content hacked and leaked online only happens to public figures and celebrities, right? Unfortunately for Glenn, he experiences this nightmare firsthand when all his data gets hacked, leaked, and goes viral online, alongside the accounts of two of the heads of the company where he interns. Four time S/W alum Matt Porter returns to our site with his latest short See Saw, a short and sharp dark comedy that touches on issues of privacy and being seen with a surprising sensibility.
“I landed on the idea of using it as a larger metaphor for ‘being seen'”
Crediting the Sony Pictures Hack in 2014 as the main inspiration behind the narrative, at the time Porter had started collaborating on an idea about how that would affect a workplace dynamic. “This past year, during the writer’s strike, I decided to dig back into this concept, and find a small story to tell within it that might work as a short film”, he confessed. However, See Saw only truly came together when he hit upon “the idea of using it as a larger metaphor for ‘being seen’”. While the premise is rooted in comedy, it quickly makes room for a deeper narrative to develop.
“I wanted to make a film that could play with this big, crazy, comedic premise, but then deliver something sincere and a bit more grounded by the end”, he shared with us. Going viral and having your personal data exposed is hardly a new topic, but Porter injects his narrative with a sense of vulnerability, emphasizing that the concept of being seen is central to his story. The conversation Glenn has with his girlfriend is not only a breath of fresh air, for its raw honesty, it also highlights the contrast between our online and our irl, physical presence.

“We made it very cheaply and simply!” – Porter discussing the decision to shoot with just one zoom lens, allowing them to move quickly and complete filming in one day.
After waking up to the news of the hack, Glenn finds himself numb, depleted, lost and helpless. The cinematography, editing and score truly work throughout the film to echo his state of mind and immerse us in his confusion. While David Brown, who portrays the lead character, is remarkable in capturing a tone that straddles the fine line between comedy and drama. He keeps the film light and fun, while also being compelling as he conveys the more dramatic layers of the film.
Fresh off its selection at the Aspen ShortsFest, we are happy to host the online debut of See Saw and excited to hear that Porter is now working on a new short film, while also writing several original TV pilots.