Short of the Week

Dark Comedy Terry Gilliam


Meet a cockroach called Don and the only Albert Einstein not to have discovered the theory of relativity in this early introduction to the animation of Terry Gilliam

Dark Comedy Terry Gilliam


Meet a cockroach called Don and the only Albert Einstein not to have discovered the theory of relativity in this early introduction to the animation of Terry Gilliam


Directed By Terry Gilliam
Made In UK

The first example of Terry Gilliam’s distinct animated style that would become synonymous with cult TV show Monty Python’s Flying Circus, Storytime contains three animated sequences taken from British TV series’ The Marty Feldman Comedy Machine and Do Not Adjust Your Set.

Introducing audiences to not only Gilliam’s unmistakable cut-out style, but also his distinct Fairytale-esque storytelling, Storytime is a prelude to a vast body of work that would become revered by audiences worldwide.

As an Englishman of a certain age, Monty Python played a pretty big role in shaping my comedic tastes growing-up. My dad obviously waited until I was at a reasonable age before introducing me to the surreal sextets particular brand of humour, but this exposure set the tone for the type of comedy I was going to enjoy for the rest of my life.

Though many sketches from Monty Python’s Flying Circus lingered long after originally watching them, it was the animation of Terry Gilliam that had the most lasting effect on me. As magical as it is disturbing, at almost 40-years-old Storytime stands the test of time and Gilliam’s unusual storytelling approach feels as fresh as ever.

If Storytime feels like an unusual pick for this time of the year, stick with it as it takes a festive twist in its third and final segment