Short of the Week

Fantasy CISMA

Le Sens Propre

Young girl lives in a fantasy world in this effects-laden film meant to show off Adobe's creative suite.

Fantasy CISMA

Le Sens Propre

Young girl lives in a fantasy world in this effects-laden film meant to show off Adobe's creative suite.

Le Sens Propre

Directed By CISMA
Produced By Adobe
Made In France

Just a couple weeks after MarBelle featured his bizarre, special effects laden film Handmade, Motionographer pointed me towards an equally bizarre new piece from CISMA, Le Sens Propre. It is a promotional piece for Adobe’s CS4 campaign, entitled “Shortcut to Brilliant” and combines a colorful palette with a childlike sense of wonder. Like Gondry we see interesting and surreal interactions between subjects and objects that mix a variety of animation and graphic techniques with an almost cloying sense of cuteness. CISMA has a good feel for that line though and doesn’t cross it.  Despite the narrative being almost indecipherable, the film succeeds in conveying a beautiful sense of whimsy, with impressive visual design.