Short of the Week

Music Video Tomas Mankovsky

Ritalin (Dancing Pigeons)

A wild duel between two backroaders in this music video for Dancing Pigeons.

Music Video Tomas Mankovsky

Ritalin (Dancing Pigeons)

A wild duel between two backroaders in this music video for Dancing Pigeons.

Ritalin (Dancing Pigeons)

Directed By Tomas Mankovsky
Produced By Diesel:U:Music
& Blink
Made In USA

Latest work from Tomas Mankovsky who previously directed Sorry I’m Late. A music video for the song Ritalin by Dancing Pigeons as part of Diesel:U:Music, is a foreboding yet strangely humorous depiction of a seemingly pointless modern day sword fight.

Duels fascinate me. It used to be a popular thing, but in modern days it has died out. So I thought that probably somewhere in the States, some hillbillies are still doing it, their way.