Short of the Week

Fantasy Doug Purver

Omar and His Skyhook

A young boy dreams or rather wakes and then rides his way into the clouds.

Fantasy Doug Purver

Omar and His Skyhook

A young boy dreams or rather wakes and then rides his way into the clouds.

Omar and His Skyhook

Directed By Doug Purver
Produced By Psst!3
Made In USA
Doug Purver out of NYC runs a one-man production outfit called RoadNorth. This film was shot for Psst!3, but evolved into this 3 min gem about a boy fishing in the sky. Heavy with the post-production trickery, you can see some behind the scenes footage at Roadnorth’s Vimeo account, and a writeup at CG Society. The film is light on story and I’m not too wild about the silent-film motif, but when the boy gets above the clouds, your eyeballs are treated to some lovely imagery. Would LOVE to see a Little Nemo movie that captured this same style of nostalgic fantasy.