Short of the Week

Documentary Chris Ware

Scenes From a Marriage

The second collaboration between NPR institution "This American Life" and comic book icon Chris Ware, examines the slipperiness of memory to humorous effect.

Documentary Chris Ware

Scenes From a Marriage

The second collaboration between NPR institution "This American Life" and comic book icon Chris Ware, examines the slipperiness of memory to humorous effect.

Scenes From a Marriage

Directed By Chris Ware
Produced By This American Life
Made In USA

I love these Chris Ware shorts. Cameraman was one of the first films we reviewed for this site, and this short was Ware’s addition for the second season of the “This American Life”. Following the format of the show, Ware animates an audio recording of someone telling a story. This time, it’s a couple discussing Jackie O and the bizarre nature of memory.  It’s short, funny, and perfect in most every way.